Friday, February 13, 2015

Learning How We Learn New Things: Making Balloon Dogs

I made it!!

Today we talked about the process of learning and how it feels when we learn something new.

Lots of us felt scared, worried, or stressed when faced with a new skill to learn.

Luckily, when we know the learning intention (what we are going to learn) and how we are going to be successful (the success criteria) the process of learning is a lot smoother.

We found out that:
  • it's good to go back to the model
  • re-reading the steps in the success criteria is helpful
  • it's good to stop and ask for help if we need it
  • learning new things takes lots of practice

All done... 

I got there by following the steps

All done- I followed the success criteria
Way to go!
My dog is great...
I'm proud of my dog!

This is fun...getting the hang of the twists
It's so squeaky...

Now for the legs and the double twist...
I did it without help!

Going well...!
It could pop...

Head and ears...yay!

These twists are tricky...
It's tricky...but I won't give up...

I'm persevering...!
It might pop...!

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